Welcome, Russian visitors!

In the last week, we’ve noticed a sharp uptick in the number of visitors to our blog from Russia. There have actually been six times as many visitors from Russia as from the United States!

We’re delighted to see your interest in the blog and the Mystery of Matter project ... but also curious: What has sparked this sudden surge of interest? Can one of you let us know? You can leave a comment either here on the blog or on our Facebook page at:

Finally, we wanted to be sure you're aware there is much more Mystery of Matter content available at our website. There you’ll find (among other things) the entire PBS series playable as a series of short clips accessible from the For Teachers section of the website, plus 32 freestanding short videos on various topics in chemistry – including several on Dmitri Mendeleev. Please visit the website and let us know what you think of these pieces, with a comment here on the blog or on our Facebook page.

You’ll find the website at: www.mysteryofmatter.net.